FIXO was established because there was a need for an alternative exchange point in Norway.
FIXO provides high speed interconnections between ISPs in Norway.
FIXO is a recursive acronym for "FIXO Internet eXchange Oslo".

What is an ISP?

FIXO defines an ISP (Internet Service Provider) as someone who has their own valid ASN (Autonomous System Number) and a globally routeable IP prefix that is reachable on the Internet today.

What is peering?

ISPs use a transit ASN/ISP to exchange traffic. The transit ISP will charge a settlement based on the amount of traffic passing to and from the customer (ISP). ISPs agree to setup a settlement-free exchange of traffic between them to reduce the usage and cost of a transit ISP. When two ISPs agree to exchange traffic directly without the usage of a transit ASN, it is generally called peering.

So, what's an Internet eXchange then?

Because the majority of Internet service providers in a location would want to setup peering sessions between each other, a central point of connecting to other ISPs is often established. At FIXO, ISPs will be able to reach and setup peering sessions with any of the other members listed.


We believe that good peering should be available for all networks.


FIXO is available in multiple professional datacentres around Norway and is supported around the clock by Blix Solutions AS.

Self service

FIXOs portal gives its members the means to monitor their own sflow data, p2p traffic and peering graphs.